This is our 4th iPaaS Puzzles!
Don’t we all love a little puzzle, even more if it helps us keep our webMethods skills sharp. If the solution is practical and immediately applicable to the benefit of the environment even better!
4th iPaaS Puzzle: Where in the world is the International Space Station?
Doesn’t the ISS look magnificent? As if straight out of a Stanley Kubrick movie, but it is real! Not faked like the moon landing

There is an Open API that you can call and it returns ISS’s Current Location)
Our 3rd iPaaS Puzzle Challenge was a bit, well how shall we say it, challenging
We hope that this time even as a beginner you will be able to create an integration and post your result to this thread. Do it now, we wait!
Stretch goal
As the main Puzzle is doable, the music for the pros is playing with the stretch goals.
BTW the rules to these Puzzles are like the derived from my favoit game: Calvinball!
Calvinball is a game invented by Calvin and Hobbes. Calvinball has no rules; the players make up their own rules as they go along, so that no Calvinball game is like another.
Rules cannot be used twice (except for the rule that rules cannot be used twice), and any plays made in one game may not be made again in any future games.
- You can come up with your own stretch goal. As long as you integrate the original API somehow somewhere in your solution it is fine!
- Actually, bonus points for coming up with an intriguing stretch goal and actually solve it
Potential stretch goals are:
- Enter your current position and calculate how many Kilometers/Miles away from you the space station currently is.
- Create an integration that accesses your location of your phone to calculate how far away you are from the International Space Station.
- The space station is orbiting 248 miles (400 kilometers) above our heads. As far as I know the position that they are giving of the ISS is a point on the earth. Therefore our distance is to that point plus 400km. How much is the straight line? How does it change if you are on top of Mount Everest?
- Trigger an SMS to my phone the minute the ISS is rising above the horizon and traveling towards us. Share in the message the direction where to look for it. Stretch stretch goal, only send it at times when the ISS is visible in the sky.
- Update: Stretch stretch goal: Send me a message with the exact date and time when the ISS is flying in front of the moon. Ideally at least 30 minutes in advance, so I can set up my telescope to catch it
Post your stretch goal suggestion in the comments.
Please post your solution to the puzzle as replies to this thread.
Use the “blur spoiler” tag to hide your results so that folks must click on your solution to indicate they want to see it!
iPaaS Puzzle Show Friday 18th of November!
Every third Friday for the next couple of weeks, we are hosting an iPaaS Puzzle Show.
We will briefly talk about the different solutions for this week’s puzzle, what to learn from them, and introduce next week’s iPaaS Puzzle. Hope you can join us.
The 4th iPaaS Puzzle Show will be in on Friday the 18th of November 8am CEST! and 5pm CEST! Details to come!
Just have your solution posted before the iPaaS Puzzle Show on Friday the 11th of November 8am CEST. If you want to be invited on the show, please post your solution by Thursday the 10th of November 8am CEST.
The winners get fame and glory. We want this to be a friendly competition and we want to highlight great work, without having to crown a winner.
Suggest a Puzzle
If you have another great idea for an iPaaS Puzzle, please suggest it in this form . It should be a little challenge that is doable within a week and has easy access to the source data needed. If your challenge is geared towards improving our lives, then even better!
If your iPaaS Puzzle suggestion does get selected, we’d invite you to personally introduce it in our iPaaS Puzzle Show and you will receive a wooden Tangram game as a token of our appreciation.
The actual prize may look differently!