Testing Rest service


I have a rest service post method exposed to other application. When I test from rest client populating header , in IS header field name is coming with all small letters.
Ex: if I give SenderId = ‘XYZ’ in IS it is coming as senderid=‘XYZ’.
Because of this we are unable to extract the value at runtime.
Is this the expected behavior. Is there anything to do with the rest client.

Please advice


Hi Monica,

Can you please share a request sample and the response in return to that.

Hi Bari Khan,

Request is any XML with headers populated from rest client. We are returning response as string ‘Success’ or ‘Failure’ based on some logic.
In webMethods pipeline the request header fields is coming as ‘senderid’ even though we send them as SenderId = ‘XYZ’.
The fields of header is coming in small letters in IS.

Same scenario when we test with soap client.

Is this expected behavior. Why are header field names coming as small letters in IS.
