SOAPFAULT is not complete

Thanks Mark, Mark, Rob etc.

Your guidance is much appreciated.

“flippin’ sweet”
-Napoleon Dynamite

I’m currently receiving the same error (soapfault is not complete with”soapHTTP/ssl”) when I use https connection on 6.5 Can you please let me know is there any fix for this issue.

HI all,
I’m trying to do that too in webMethods v. 6.1. I can’t get the session id from the http call. Does anyone know what happen?



Is your question related to this thread in any way?


Thanks for forwarding this thread to me. Yes, I think so. I’m trying to send a HTTPS request through HTTP client. Apparently, I checked that we don’t have the SSL certificate in the Integration Server. Do you know whether it’s possible to get some self-signed certificate? If yes, what & how should I do?




This thread is related to SOAP faults, not SSL certs. You can do a search on wMUsers to find lots of info on self-signed certs. Search on OpenSSL as well.
