'Separating' a 'long' record CSV file

Check this (separate will fail):

1 #IN (A128) INIT<'ABCDEF;"quoted;string";LMNOP'>

or this (examine will fail):

1 #IN (A128) INIT<'ABCDEF;"quoted""string";LMNOP'>

Strings may be surrounded by double quotes. But both examples are reasons, why a string must be surrounded by double quotes.

Yes, it will fail, but do these examples really make sense ?

Not sure if any of those will occur in a real worl scenario or are just purely hypothetical ?

Have a look at this (delimiter is comma in this example, it is a cite from Otto Waalkes):

'"Peter, Paul, and Mary are making a bank robbery","Peter says:""Hands up"""'

and the german (humorous) translation:

'"Peter, Paul und Maria machen eine Bankr

It makes sence, because there is a well defined specification for it. Please see

Just create an Excel-File and export it as a CSV-File… :wink:

@Wilfried B