Securing InternalDataStore for API Gateway 10.7

webMethods API Gateway tutorial

Supported Versions: 10.7

Overview of the tutorial

This tutorial helps to understand how the InternalDataStore of APIGateway 10.7 can be secured using Search Guard or ReadonlyREST , the Elasticsearch plugins that offers encryption, authentication and authorization. In this context, these plugins helps to secure the InternalDataStore by exposing it over HTTPS protocol and enabling a basic authentication by configuring users and securing inter node communication in the clustered environment .

This tutorial covers the below steps in detail for each of the plugins Search Guard and ReadonlyREST .

  • Installation and initialization of the plugin
  • Protect InternalDataStore with SSL and Basic Authorization
  • Changing Kibana configurations to securely connect to InternalDataStore
  • Configuring API Gateway to securely connect to InternalDataStore
  • Configuring the plugins with user generated certificates

Required knowledge

The reader has to have,

  • a basic understanding of API Gateway and its communication with InternalDataStore for storing data
  • a basic understanding of Kibana and its communication with InternalDataStore for rendering the dashboards in API Gateway


This document is intended for customers who want to protect their InternalDataStore , a wrapper over Elasticsearch, with Authentication and SSL using the external plugins that are compatible for the Elasticsearch version 7.7.1 on APIGateway version 10.7

Prerequisite steps

Complete the below prerequisites steps before get into the details of securing InternalDataStore of API Gateway using Search Guard or ReadonlyREST plugin.

  • Install API Gateway advanced edition of version 10.7

Securing InternalDataStore Using ReadonlyREST

The below sections describe the details of securing InternalDataStore using ReadonlyREST plugin by installing the plugin and adding the necessary configurations in InternalDataStore, Kibana and API Gateway.

Step 1: Download of ReadonlyREST plugin compatible with Elasticsearch 7.7.1

This section explains how to download the ReadonlyREST plugin of the Elasticsearch 7.7.1 version used by the InternalDataStore.

You can download the ReadonlyREST plugin compatible for Elasticsearch 7.7.1 from

You will get an email notification after submitting the request (click GET IT NOW button) to the given email Id with a link to download the ReadonlyREST plugin. You can download it to the desired location in the file system.

Step 2: Installation and Initialization of ReadonlyREST plugin

This section explains how to install the ReadonlyREST plugin which is downloaded before.

  • Stop the API Gateway server
  • Open the command prompt to the location < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/bin
  • Issue the command elasticsearch-plugin.bat install and give ‘y’ when the installation procedure prompts for additional required permissions it requires
    and confirm the installation is completed with the message displayed as “Installed readonlyrest”

E.x :


  • After successful installation, go to the location < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config and create an empty file named readonlyrest.yml (in the same directory where elasticsearch.yml is found)
  • Copy the folder sagconfig from <SAG_Root>/IntegrationServer/instances/<Instance_Name>/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch/ to < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore
  • Now copy the sample keystore and trustore files (which will be used latter in below steps) node-0-keystore.jks and truststore.jks from < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/ sagconfig to < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config

Step 3: Protect InternalDataStore with two-way SSL and Basic Authorization

Option 1 ) : Plain text credentials :

Open < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/ readonlyrest.yml and add below contents.

Note : Make sure the contents are indented properly as shown so that the YAML parser can parse them correctly.

    - name: "Require HTTP Basic Auth"
      type: allow
      auth_key: Administrator:manage
      enable: true
      keystore_file: "node-0-keystore.jks"
      keystore_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      key_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      client_authentication: true

Details :

  • access control rule name “Require HTTP Basic Auth” indicates its Basic auth authentication.

  • auth_key has the credentials (username/password) in the plain text

  • ssl block is for SSL configuration.

    • Property ’ client_authentication ’ denotes the 2 way SSL Authentication . By default, this is disabled.
    • If you don’t want the server/InternalDataStore to validate client authentication, you can remove this property or set the value to false

Now open < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/elasticsearch.yml and add the below configuration statement and save the file.This will be used for HTTPS connection for InternalDataStore.

http.type: ssl_netty4

Default configurations of elasticsearch.yml will be as in the attached template file elasticsearch-configuration-tepmlate.conf


The keystore file and its passwords keystore_pass & key_pass are shipped out of the product by default. This may not be safe for production environment. For production setup, you can generate your own certificates (keystore and trustore) and configure here.

Option 2) : Obfuscated or hashed credentials

  • Exposing plain text credentials is very insecure for the application. Hence you should used obfuscated credentials.
  • ReadonlyREST supports obfuscating the credentials by hashing the credentials using SHA256 algorithm.
  • You can use the tool SHA-256 hash calculator | Xorbin to hash your credentials. The hashed credentials can be used in the configuration with the property auth_key_sha256
  • In the above configuration, replace the auth_key configuration with auth_key_sha256 as below
    - name: "Require HTTP Basic Auth"
      type: allow
      auth_key_sha256: 927d5619ff87227be6ca8a2cc9ee68c11dd7a08d64d1e20bdc8d86254850b418
      enable: true
      keystore_file: "node-0-keystore.jks"
      keystore_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      key_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      client_authentication: true
  • Save the configuration file readonlyrest.yml.

Note : Ignore the below step if it was already done through option 1) explained above

  • Now open < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/elasticsearch.yml and add the below configuration statement and save the file. This will be used for HTTPS connection for InternalDataStore.
    http.type: ssl_netty4

Step 4: Secure the inter-node communication

If you have clustered the InternalDataStore instances, then the communication between them can be secured in this step as explained below.

  • Open the file < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/ readonlyrest.yml and add the lines to the last
  keystore_file: "node-0-keystore.jks"
  keystore_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
  key_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
  • So the consolidated content of readonlyrest.yml will be as below
    - name: "Require HTTP Basic Auth"
      type: allow
      auth_key_sha256: 927d5619ff87227be6ca8a2cc9ee68c11dd7a08d64d1e20bdc8d86254850b418
      enable: true
      keystore_file: "node-0-keystore.jks"
      keystore_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      key_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      keystore_file: "node-0-keystore.jks"
      keystore_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      key_pass: a362fbcce236eb098973
      client_authentication: true

Step 5: Changing Kibana configurations to connect to InternalDataStore

Now we need to modify the Kibana server configurations to connect to the InternalDataStore securely over HTTPS port using basic authentication details.

  • Open the file <SAG_Root>\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\config\kibana.yml
  • Remove the comments and update the following properties given below
    • elasticsearch.username: Administrator
    • elasticsearch.password: manage
    • elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: certificate
    • elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities:
    • elasticsearch.hosts: https://:9240
  • After changing these configurations open file at <SAG_Root>\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\config and set apigw.kibana.autostart to false

Sample configuration of kibana.yml is as below

server.port: 9405 ""
server.basePath: "/apigatewayui/dashboardproxy"
elasticsearch.hosts: "https://localhost:9240"
elasticsearch.username: "Administrator"
elasticsearch.password: "manage"
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: certificate
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: C:/SoftwareAG/InternalDataStore/sagconfig/root-ca.pem
console.enabled: false

Step 6: Changing API Gateway configurations to connect to InternalDataStore

Finally change the API Gateway configurations to connect to InternalDataDataStore securely. Follow the below steps.

  • Go to <SAG_Root>/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch and open file. Uncomment the following properties and provide the values for them as below
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.http.username=Administrator
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.http.password=manage
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.filepath=C:/SoftwareAG/InternalDataStore/sagconfig/truststore.jks
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.password=2c0820e69e7dd5356576
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.enabled=true
  • After making all the configurations, start the InternalDataStore manually
  • When InternalDataStore is up and running, start the Kibana server manually (To start kibana server manually run kibana.bat file at <SAG_HOME>/profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\bin )
  • Now start the API Gateway and you would be able to login and create APIs. Analytics page should be accessible without any challenge window for user credentials

Step 7: Configuring ReadonlyREST with user generated certificates (optional)

Here we can see an example with a self-signed certificate which can be generated using Java Keytool.

Shut down API Gateway, InternalDataStore and Kibana.

  1. Generate keystore.jks :

    command to generate keystore using Keytool

    keytool -genkey -alias <alias name> -keyalg RSA -keystore <File path>\keystore.jks -storetype JKS

    Example :

    Replace this keystore.jks file with < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/keystore.jks file and update the properties keystore_pass and key_pass in < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/readonlyrest.yml

  2. Export certificate from the keystore :

    Command to export the certificate from the keystore

     keytool -export -alias <alias name> -keystore <keystore file path> -rfc -file <filename>.cert

    Example :

    Update this certificate name in kibana configuration property elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities in <SAG_Root>\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\config\kibana.yml

    Example :

    elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: C:/work/APIGateway/test.cert

  3. Generate trustore from the certificate :

    Command to generate trustore file

    keytool -import -alias <alias name> -file <Certificate file> -storetype JKS -keystore <File location and file name for trustore>.jks

    Example :

    After successful creation of the the trustore file, update its details in API Gateway configuration file from <SAG_Root>/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch

    with the properties pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.filepath and pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.password

    Example :

    pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.password=<your trustore password>

    After making all the configurations, start the InternalDataStore manually

    When InternalDataStore is up and running, start the Kibana server manually (To start kibana server manually run kibana.bat file at <SAG_HOME>/profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\bin )

    Now start the API Gateway and you would be able to login and create APIs. Analytics page should be accessible without any challenge window for user credentials

Securing InternalDataStore Using Search Guard

Step 1: Download of Search Guard plugin compatible with Elasticsearch 7.7.1

This section explains how to download the Search Guard plugin of the Elasticsearch 7.7.1 version used by the InternalDataStore.

You can download the Search Guard plugin version 42.1.0 compatible for Elasticsearch 7.7.1 from and store it in your file system

You can also refer the compatible version of Search Guard for different Elasticsearch versions here : Latest Releases | Security for Elasticsearch | Search Guard

Step 2: Installation and Initialization of Search Guard plugin

This section explains how to install the Search Guard plugin which is downloaded before.

  • Stop the API Gateway server

  • Open the command prompt to the location < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/bin

  • Issue the command elasticsearch-plugin.bat install and give ‘y’ when the installation procedure prompts for additional required permissions it requires
    and confirm the installation is completed with the message displayed as “Installed search-guard-7”

    Example :

  • After successful installation, copy the folder sagconfig from <SAG_Root>/IntegrationServer/instances/<Instance_Name>/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch/ to < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore

  • Now copy the sample keystore and trustore files (which will be used latter in below steps) node-0-keystore.jks and truststore.jks from < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/ sagconfig to < SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config

  • Open <SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config/elasticsearch.yml file. Remove all the properties that start with " searchguard " if such present and add the Search Guard properties as given below and save the file.

    Search Guard properties :

    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_type: JKS
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath: node-0-keystore.jks
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_alias: cn=node-0
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_password: a362fbcce236eb098973
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_type: "JKS"
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_alias: root-ca-chain
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_password: 2c0820e69e7dd5356576
    searchguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: false
    searchguard.ssl.transport.resolve_hostname: false
    searchguard.ssl.transport.enable_openssl_if_available: true
    searchguard.ssl.http.enabled: true
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_type: JKS
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_filepath: node-0-keystore.jks
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_alias: cn=node-0
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_password: a362fbcce236eb098973
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_type: JKS
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_filepath: truststore.jks
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_alias: root-ca-chain
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_password: 2c0820e69e7dd5356576
    searchguard.ssl.http.clientauth_mode: OPTIONAL
    searchguard.enable_snapshot_restore_privilege: true
    searchguard.check_snapshot_restore_write_privileges: true
    searchguard.restapi.roles_enabled: ["SGS_ALL_ACCESS"]
    searchguard.authcz.admin_dn:  - "CN=sgadmin"

    Details about the above search guard properties is given below

    Item Desc Possible Values Default
    TRANSPORT ( 2-Way authentication is enabled by default)
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_type Type of keystore JKS, PKCS12 JKS
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath Location of the keystore
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_alias Keystore entry name if there are more than one entries.
    searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_password Password to access keystore.
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_type Type of truststore JKS, PKCS12 JKS
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_filepath Location of the truststore
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_alias Truststore entry name if there are more than one entries.
    searchguard.ssl.transport.truststore_password Password to access truststore.
    searchguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification If true, the hostname mentioned in certificate will be validated. We set this to false as ours is general purpose self signed certs. true / false true
    searchguard.ssl.transport.resolve_hostname Applicable only if above property is true. If true, the hostname will be resolved against the DNS server. We set this to false as ours is general purpose self signed certs. true / false true
    searchguard.ssl.transport.enable_openssl_if_available Use if OpenSSL is available instead of JDK SSL. true / false true
    searchguard.ssl.http.enabled To enable the SSL for REST interface ( HTTP). We set this to true. true / false false
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_type Type of keystore JKS, PKCS12 JKS
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_filepath Location of the keystore
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_alias Keystore entry name if there are more than one entries.
    searchguard.ssl.http.keystore_password Password to access keystore.
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_type Type of truststore JKS, PKCS12 JKS
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_filepath Location of the truststore
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_alias Truststore entry name if there are more than one entries
    searchguard.ssl.http.truststore_password Password to access truststore.
    searchguard.ssl.http.clientauth_mode Option to enable 2-way authentication. REQUIRE : Client will be challenged for client certificate. OPTIONAL : Will be used if client certificate is available NONE : Ignore client certificate even if it’s available. REQUIRE, OPTIONAL, NONE OPTIONAL
    Search Guard Admin
    searchguard.authcz.admin_dn Search Guard maintains all the data in a index called “searchguard”. This is accessible to only users ( client cert which will be passed in sdadmin command) configured here.
    searchguard.cert.oid All certificates used by the nodes on transport level need to have the oid field set to a specific value.This oid value is checked by Search Guard to identify if an incoming request comes from a trusted node in the cluster or not. In the former case, all actions are allowed, in the latter case, privilege checks apply. Plus, the oid is also checked whenever a node wants to join the cluster. ‘’
    searchguard.config_index_name Index where all the security configuration is stored. It’s not confgurable for now but in the future searchguard
    searchguard.enable_snapshot_restore_privilege searchguard.check_snapshot_restore_write_privileges To perform snapshot and restore operations, a user needs to have special privileges assigned. These two lines enable these privileges
    searchguard.restapi.roles_enabled Tells Search Guard which Search Guard roles can access the REST Management API to perform changes to the configuration

    Default configurations of elasticsearch.yml will be as in the attached template file elasticsearch-configuration-tepmlate.yml

  • Now shutdown and restart the InternalDataStore.

  • Go to the location <SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/plugins/search-guard-7/tools and execute the below command

    For Windows :
    sgadmin.bat -cd …....\sagconfig\ -ks …....\sagconfig\sgadmin-keystore.jks -kspass 49fc2492ebbcfa7cfc5e -ts …....\sagconfig\truststore.jks -tspass 2c0820e69e7dd5356576 -nhnv -p 9340 -cn SAG_EventDataStore

    For Linux : -cd …/…/…/sagconfig -ks …/…/…/sagconfig/sgadmin-keystore.jks -kspass 49fc2492ebbcfa7cfc5e -ts …/…/…/sagconfig/truststore.jks -tspass 2c0820e69e7dd5356576 -nhnv -p 9340 -cn SAG_EventDataStore

    This will initialize the InternalDataStore.

    Example :

    Note :
    The Password -kspass 49fc2492ebbcfa7cfc5e and –tspass 2c0820e69e7dd5356576 are default passwords for keystore and truststore and the default certificates are not safe for production.

Step 3: Protect InternalDataStore with Basic Authorization

In this section let us see how an user can be provisioned in the Search Guard plugin to provide a http basic authentication.

  • Adding User name :
    Go to <SAG_Root> \InternalDataStore\sagconfig and open sg_roles_mapping.yml file. Add the username (e.g. testuser) in the users list as given in the below image.

  • Adding password
    The password of the user can be hashed using the tool <SAG_Root> \InternalDataStore\plugins\search-guard-7\tools\hash.bat and then add this hashed password in the file <SAG_Root> \InternalDataStore\sagconfig\ sg_internal_users.yml

    Example : Hash the password

    Example : Use the password in the file <SAG_Root> \InternalDataStore\sagconfig\ sg_internal_users.yml

  • After completing the configurations, initialize the Search Guard plugin again by executing the sgadmin.bat command as we did before. Restart the InternalDataStore and verify it is protected by accessing the node in HTTPS URL https://:9240 with the given username/password.

Step 4: Changing Kibana configurations to connect to InternalDataStore

Now we need to modify the Kibana server configurations to connect to the InternalDataStore securely over HTTPS port using basic authentication details.

  • Open the file <SAG_Root>\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\config\kibana.yml
  • Remove the comments and update the following properties given below
    • elasticsearch.username: Administrator
    • elasticsearch.password: manage
    • elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: certificate
    • elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities:
    • elasticsearch.hosts: https://:9240
  • After changing these configurations open file at <SAG_Root>\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\config and set apigw.kibana.autostart to false

Sample configuration of kibana.yml is as below

server.port: 9405 ""
server.basePath: "/apigatewayui/dashboardproxy"
elasticsearch.hosts: "https://localhost:9240"
elasticsearch.username: "Administrator"
elasticsearch.password: "manage"
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: certificate
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: C:/SoftwareAG/InternalDataStore/sagconfig/root-ca.pem
console.enabled: false

Step 5: Changing API Gateway configurations to connect to InternalDataStore

Finally change the API Gateway configurations to connect to InternalDataDataStore securely. Follow the below steps.

  • Go to <SAG_Root>/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch and open file. Uncomment the following properties and provide the values for them as below
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.http.username=Administrator
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.http.password=manage
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.filepath=C:/SoftwareAG/InternalDataStore/sagconfig/truststore.jks
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.truststore.password=2c0820e69e7dd5356576
    • pg.gateway.elasticsearch.https.enabled=true
  • After making all the configurations, start the InternalDataStore manually
  • When InternalDataStore is up and running, start the Kibana server manually (To start kibana server manually run kibana.bat file at <SAG_HOME>/profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\bin )
  • Now start the API Gateway and you would be able to login and create APIs. Analytics page should be accessible without any challenge window for user credentials

Step 6: Configuring Search Guard with user generated certificates (optional)

The API Provider can generate his own certificates to be used with Search Guard instead of the default certificates that are shipped with API Gateway. To achieve this, Search Guard provides an offline TLS tool, using which all the required certificates can be generated for running Search Guard in a production environment. Follow the below steps to generate certificates using Search Guard offline TLS tool.

Download the tool zip file from (the same can be found in the attachments and unzip it to a directory. Create a yaml file at \config . On executing the TLS tool command, it will read the node and certificate configuration settings from this yaml file and outputs the generated files in a configured directory. The sample file is given below. Please find the attachments for the sample file, Certificates.yml

After configuring the yaml file run the below command to generate the required certificates.
/tools/sgtlstool.bat -c …/config/Demo.yml -ca -crt
The generated certificates can be outputted at /tools/out


For further details on this refer the link provided in the References. It is mandatory to copy the certificates listed below from /tools/out to <SAG_Root>/InternalDataStore/config folder.

  • Dinesh-node-1.key
  • Dinesh-node-1.pem
  • Dinesh-node-1_http.pem
  • Dinesh-node-1_http.key
  • Dinesh-client.pem
  • Dinesh-client.key
  • root-ca.pem
  • root-ca.key

Now configure the generated certificates in the InternalDataStore elasticsearch.yml file.

After completing all the above steps start the InternalDataStore manually. After InternalDataStore is up, since the Search Guard is not initialized with the latest certificates, a log message would be shown saying that the Search Guard is not initialized. The following section provide the steps to initialize the Search Guard with the generated certificates.

  • Open command prompt and change directory to \InternalDataStore \plugins\search-guard-7\tools

  • Execute the command * -cd …....* sagconfig –nhnv –icl –cacert …....\config\root-ca.pem -cert …....\config\Dinesh-client.pem -key …....\config\Dinesh-client.key -keypass -p 9340 . A log “Done with success” will show up.

  • Now shutdown and restart the InternalDataStore. The InternalDataStore will now use the generated certificates for SSL communication.

    Additional Steps while using user generated certificates

    using the key tool, import the generated pem certificate “root-ca.pem” into truststore.

    First, let us create an empty truststore and then import pem certificate into it.

    Generate empty truststore :

    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias endeca -keystore truststore.jks
    keytool -delete -alias endeca -keystore truststore.jks

    command for importing pem file into truststore :

    keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias endeca-ca -file root-ca.pem -keystore truststore.jks

    After which, use the generated truststore in step 5 for the property


Troubleshooting : Search Guard Plugin

# Problem Solution
1 Search Guard may not be initialized. Initialize Search Guard Using sgadmin tool. Make sure that Search Guard is initialized properly using the steps given above
2 Error in ElasticSearch: Speaks http plaintext instead of SSL, will close the channel It means Kibana or API Gateway is still communicating with InternalDataStore in HTTP. Configure the https protocol and certificates in kibana.yml of Kibana server and in API Gateway
3 Error while running sgtlstool.bat or enable_ssl.bat The system cannot find the path specified. It means the JAVA_HOME was not set. configuring JAVA_HOME will resolve the issue.
4 Search Guard License Type: TRIAL, valid Your Search Guard license expires in 17 days. Add the below line in elasticsearch.yml and restart elastic search searchguard.enterprise_modules_enabled: false


ReaoonlyREST :

Search Guard :

Downloadable artifacts

elasticsearch-configuration-tepmlate.conf (337 Bytes)
Certificates.yml (3.5 KB) (11.6 MB)


Incredible, detailed and useful post, thanks Shanmugam

For ROR, make sure to follow step #3 in this document - For Elasticsearch - ReadonlyREST. Otherwise, you will get the below error when starting up ES or IDS.

... Cannot verify if the ES was patched. access denied ("