Reg: Max transcations in transcations page

Hello Experts,

We are working with wM912, under that we need all transactions should come under the transaction page in MWS.

We are unable to see the transactions and getting the error stated below: encountered execution error. Error encountered while fetching search results, page 3 requested is not found for queryId=TNPortalQueryResults_50022q00c9ot5p6n0000000r. Contact your administrator to optimize the configuration of the TNQueryResults cache.

we have specified two properties :

  1. tn.db.fetchMaxRows=0 . It will fetch max number of records from DB and
  2. tn.query.maxrows=-1 .

After these changes still, we are facing the issue and the error is " Read Timed Out error".
Thanks in advance.


Please increase the Max elements in memory:

IS admin page → Settings → Caching → SoftwareAG.IS.TN —>TNQueryResults → Max elements in memory

@Shahbaz Khan

Thank you for the suggestion I have done same what you have suggested.

Still getting the same error along with that Document types not showing after few pages in MWS.
Is there any property need to set for showing all docs or is it the problem with fetching documents from DB.

info: Sometimes It is showing all documents and sometimes getting the error like as “No results”
please suggest on this.

Attached the error image.

Thanks in advance.


The suggested solution should fix your issue reported earlier. Try applying the latest fixes on TN Servers.

@Mahesh thank you for your suggestion.

we have applied latest fixes on TN i.e TNS_9.12_Fix7 previously.
