IS ESB - Random double notification from database trigger

Goodmorning everyone.
I’m noticing a problem in a flow created on webMethods. I have a database trigger to fetch data from a table, and in a flow I send the data to SAP with a bapi call. The problem is that sometimes (random) I get the trigger notification from the same record multiple times.

can someone help me please?

Database Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Hi Diego,

did you try to enbale the Document History for this trigger, so the trigger will notice when document is published twice?

Is this a Polling Notification from JDBC Adapter (10.3 I am assuming) or are you triggering on some other event to detect when to fetch data from the DB?


Thank you @Holger_von_Thomsen ,

Where can i find the option for document history?
Yes, it’s a Polling Notification from JDBC Adapter (10.3).

Thank you,

Hi Diego,

when you open the trigger (the one which subscribes to the published DocType from the Notification) in Designer there will be a section in the Properties Panel on the right. There you can also provide a Document Resolver Services, which is called to handle conflicts for the documents.


Thank you, now i find it.
There are 4 items: Detect duplicates, Use history, History time to live, Document resolver service.
In Detect duplicates now i have entered “true”, but what should I enter in the other items?
What are Use History and Document Resolver service for?

Than you,

Hi Diego,

we are using “Use History”=true, which requires an ISCore database schema, “History time to live” then determines for how long a duplicate document is really detected as a duplicate before considering it to be a new document.
When “Use History” is set to false, the “History time to live” has no meaning.

Document resolver service refers to a flow service in the IS which follows a specific service template (describing input and output for the service as predefined fields), in which you can check what to do with the document when it is detected to be a duplicate.


thank you @Holger_von_Thomsen.
so if I want to ignore the duplicate (no data sent to SAP or other) can I only set DD (use history = false and document resolver service = empty)?
thank you,

Just a question:
Which one is your messaging layer?
Broker or UM?
When it is UM, “Detect duplicates” needs to be false.

Currently I have no clue how exactly once processing can be achieved when using UM as a messaging layer.


thak you @Holger_von_Thomsen

what is the difference between broker and um?

thank you,

Hi Diego,

Broker is considered the Legacy Messaging Layer used in older versions of wM (up to 9.6, which can be used up to 9.12 and beyond).
Meanwhile SAG has reversioned Broker to 10.5 (version 9.6 with latest Fixes) with extended EOL period.

When starting new projects on 10.x you should consider using UM over Broker as Broker 10.5 will be considered deprecated somewhere in the future (as it was already announced for the recent 9.6 version for the wm 9.x stream).


Thank you @Holger_von_Thomsen,

we don’t have the UM in the customer licenses.

Thank you,