How to get on-prem IS to upload a file into Azure 'Blob' storage

We didn’t use Shared Access Signature based authorization , but it’s possible .

App Registration step is a which is used as a mechanism to use the authentication and authorization provided by Azure AD Identity platform , other use cases are also there but for this scenario let’s concentrate on Authentication & Authorization.

So, we created a representational App on Azure AD for our webMethods servers , with which we can leverage OAuth features and connect to different Microsoft and Azure services seamlessly .

I have used OAuth 2.0 based authentication with client credentials grant , It’s a different authentication than Shared Access signature and it’s a very simple method. You need to call the Azure AD Oauth 2.0 token endpoint to get the authorization token and then use the token for Azure Storage API Call .

Step by Step which we have followed .

  1. Register Application on Azure AD
  2. Provide the App access on the Azure Storage account , according to the operations you will be performing
  3. Call OAuth 2.0 token endpoint to get the OAuth 2.0 token
  4. Use OAuth token to call the Azure Storage API and do the required operation .

Token API Call .

Once you get the token , you can use it for Azure Storage API Call
Azure Storage API Call [Token from above API call is passed as Bearer Authorization token]

Azure Blob supports NFS , which you can use to mount on Linux servers . link below