How to findout CA truststore and keystore for MWS 7.1.2

Hi guys,

I am trying to make an SSL connection to LDAP in MWS 7.1.2. As part of this I need to import the CA certification of the LDAP server into the MWS trust root. As per SAG this location could be ~\jvm\jre\lib\security\cacerts (for plain MWS installation) or /opt/webMethods7/MWS/server/default\config/ ( installed with other components). But strangely I dont see any certs in those locations. The only place where I see some certs are /opt/webMethods7/certs

Given the fact that I don’t know how MWS was installed, how to find this trust root locations? Is there a place/script where I can get these details?


Ok. I was not looking in the right place :frowning:
It actually was in ~\jvm\jre\lib\security\cacerts
