ebXML CPA with multiple CollaborationRole


I am using the ebxml package (version 7.1 - Fix 3) on IS 7.1.2.

The “sendUsingTPA” service does not have an input for me to specify the service name, it only allows me to pass in the action in the TPA. Since I have mutiple CollaborationRoles defined in the CPA each having 1 service and each service having 1 or more actions, how should I use the “sendUsingTPA service” so that it can resolve the action for services defined in the CollaborationRoles other than the first one?

CPA with Multiple CollaborationRole (the actual details from the CPA are not being displayed properly so I have just put the jist of the section):

ProcessSpecification ...... /> OrderService <ThisPartyActionBindingtns:action="RequestOrder" ....... ....... TroubleReportService <ThisPartyActionBinding tns:action="AutoNotification" ................ ................

I can only send ebxml messages using the “sendUsingTPA” service for actions in the “OrderService” service. When I try to use the actions in the “TroubleReportService” service, the “sendUsingTPA” service gives a error stating it cannot find the action.
If I swap the CollaborationRole, then I can send ebxml for the “TroubleReportService” service and not for the “OrderService” service. So I can only use the service defined in the first CollaborationRole.

As per ebxml specification 2.0 a TPA can have 1 or more CollaborationRole. So the CPA is correct. If I split the CPA manually creating 1 for rach collaboration role then I would need to assign then new CPA id for each which is not acceptable by the parther as the CPA is being used as is by other partners who ate using other B2B products like Cyclone, etc.

Any help with this will be really appriciated.
