Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.4

Cumulocity IoT Edge is an onsite, single-server variant of the Cumulocity IoT Core platform. It is delivered as a software appliance designed to run on industrial PC’s or local servers.

Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.4 adds the following the improvements:

  • Cumulocity IoT Edge now includes Apama Analytics Builder.
  • Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.4 release is based on the 10.4.0 release of the Cumulocity IoT Platform. Therefore all new features in Administration, Cockpit, Device Management applications and related APIs are now available in Cumulocity IoT Edge.
  • With Cumulocity IoT Edge 10.4 release, VMWare based hypervisors are the preferred choice for production Cumulocity IoT Edge installations. VirtualBox support is marked as “non production”.
  • Edge installation has been improved in many areas, including configurable IP addresses, disk expansion, Email service and documentation.

Note: This release is an innovation release.

Release Notes are available on: