Coding a 3-diminsional array

What is the syntax of coding a 3-Diminsional array in Natrual 4.1?

To define a group with three dimensions of 5 x 20 x 20:

01  GROUP-ARRAY  (1:5,1:20,1:20)
  02  FIELD-ONE    (A20)
  02  FIELD-TWO   (A20)

To define a single field:

01 FIELD-ARRAY  (A20/1:5,1:20,1:20)

Nested structures are also possible:

define data local
01 GROUP-ARRAY (1:5)
  02 FIELD-ONE (A20)
  02 GROUP-ARRAY2 (1:20)
    03  FIELD-ARRAY (A20/1:20) init (5,20,20) <'test'>
write field-array(5,20,20)