webMethods.io Integration: Projects Configuration Parameters

1. Introduction

This article explains about how to define the project parameters and their usage in webmethods.io Integration.

2. Audience

This article is intended for API/Integration Designers/Developers to configure the project parameters and configurations.

3. Pre-Requisites 

Create a project with workflows inside it in webmethod.io integration.

4. Define parameters    

        In webmethods.io integration, there are two ways to define the parameters,

        One at the project level (used by admin) and another one at the workflow level (typically used by Developers)

4.1 Why Parameter?

With the help of parameters, you can bind a particular key with a value. It also add custom key-value pairs for your project, this will eliminate the need to enter a particular value again and again.

4.2 Project level parameters

  • This project-level parameters mainly used by Integration specialists who wants to administer all the projects resides in webmethods.io integration.
  • To add a project parameter, login to webmethods.io integration navigate to the project in which you want to add a parameter, click Configuration and then parameter.

 Here you can view the existing parameters in the project, to add a new partner click the New Parameter button.

In the new parameter, window provide the name and value and says Create.

In this example, we are creating the email as parameter name and value as developer@integration.com

Mark as mandatory:

  • You can optionally mark the specified parameter as mandatory. For such parameters, webMethods.io Integration, on executing a workflow, will check if the value of the parameter is available.
  • If the value is not available, the workflow execution will not be completed successfully. Hence, if you mark any parameter as mandatory, it must have a value.

For e.g. Workflow configured to send an email, where email field is mandatory with which the user can send emails and alerts. So, for such key fields as email, the user recommended marking that particular key is mandatory.

Set as Password Field:

You can optionally mark the specified parameter as a password field, by doing so you can avoid the value of the parameter.

Usually, it is recommended to use this for all passwords and secret keys.

4.3 Workflow level parameters

  • These workflow parameters are generally created by Ad hoc integrators who want to implement data and integrations.
  • Developers can add parameters from the workflow settings panel.
  • Open any workflow, click the Workflow Settings icon located at the top-right corner of the canvas, and select Parameters option in the window.

Click on the + icon located beside the existing parameter, provide key-value pair. Once this is done, click Save.

          4.4. Using parameters

  • Once you have defined the parameters for the project, you can use it in any workflow under that project.
  • To do so, open the workflow action in which you want to use the parameter.
  • In this example, we will use the parameter in the Send an Email action.

After this, configure the rest of the workflow and Save it.