Natural/ADABAS simulator for windows


Can someone please send the link for the simulator for Natural/Adabas for windows.


Simulator? Natural and Adabas are fully implemented and supported on the Windows platform. Download here: [url][/url]

Then post your questions on the Natural for Open Systems and Adabas for Open Systems forums.

I tried to install in windows 10, but finally, when I accepted the legal terms and conditions , it tries to install in a drive either in D or C.
When I clicked OK from there, its again going back to the same legal consent page asking for the acceptance.
don’t know whether its failing to create the required folder in my machine.

please have some light on the above issue…


Search the forums for “community edition” to see how others have resolved their issues. Most have been “user error”; only a few (on HP hardware) have been unsolvable.


Thanks… I was trying in HP machine…so, will that be the problem.

Your HP machine might be the problem.

Over the years, I have heard from half a dozen users that CE versions of Natural and Adabas would not install on their HP laptops. Of course if any HP laptop users had installed the products successfully, there would be little reason to inform me of the fact.

HP servers are very highly rated and I have never had issues installing full versions of Natural and Adabas (or any other SAG product) on them.