Migrate code from dev enviroment to stage

I need to know, how to migrate presto reports from development environment to stage environment.


Hi Gurvinderpal.

There is no UI for code migration.
You can run scripts to export and import the required assets.

Below is the same script which worked for me. You can explore the options available from the documentation.

Exporting Commands
padmin exportApps -q "ids=_APPPENDING_panther_1" -f "_APPPENDING_panther_1.xml" -l http://localhost:5556/presto/edge/api  -u Administrator -w manage -o -s

padmin exportServices -q "ids=panther" -f "Panther.xml" -l http://localhost:5556/presto/edge/api  -u Administrator -w manage

Importing Commands
padmin importServices -q "ids=Panther_1" -f "Panther_1.xml" -l http://localhost:5566/presto/edge/api  -u Administrator -w manage -o

padmin importApps -q "ids=_APPPENDING_panther_1" -f "_APPPENDING_panther_1.xml" -l http://localhost:5566/presto/edge/api  -u Administrator -w manage -o -s